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MAMM Miguel Angel posted a photo:


Protagonista de una famosa serie de televisión: "Verano Azul", que se rodó por estas tierras de Nerja (Málaga). El actor, muy querido en España, era Antonio Ferrandis. Esto fue el siglo pasado, ¡qué deprisa pasa el tiempo!

Alaskan Dude posted a photo:

Sights inside Nerja Caves, Spain

My wife loves caves, so whenever we are close to one we have to go. Since we were staying in Nerja this was a no brainer. We went early one morning to find half of Spain there. It was absolutely packed and groups of school kids were spaced about every 2-3 minutes apart. The caves were pretty cool with great cave formations but it was like rush hour traffic. We liked the trip but not the crowds. We went in late April 2024.

Alaskan Dude posted a photo:

Sights inside Nerja Caves, Spain

My wife loves caves, so whenever we are close to one we have to go. Since we were staying in Nerja this was a no brainer. We went early one morning to find half of Spain there. It was absolutely packed and groups of school kids were spaced about every 2-3 minutes apart. The caves were pretty cool with great cave formations but it was like rush hour traffic. We liked the trip but not the crowds. We went in late April 2024.

Alaskan Dude posted a photo:

Sights inside Nerja Caves, Spain

My wife loves caves, so whenever we are close to one we have to go. Since we were staying in Nerja this was a no brainer. We went early one morning to find half of Spain there. It was absolutely packed and groups of school kids were spaced about every 2-3 minutes apart. The caves were pretty cool with great cave formations but it was like rush hour traffic. We liked the trip but not the crowds. We went in late April 2024.

Alaskan Dude posted a photo:

Sights inside Nerja Caves, Spain

My wife loves caves, so whenever we are close to one we have to go. Since we were staying in Nerja this was a no brainer. We went early one morning to find half of Spain there. It was absolutely packed and groups of school kids were spaced about every 2-3 minutes apart. The caves were pretty cool with great cave formations but it was like rush hour traffic. We liked the trip but not the crowds. We went in late April 2024.

Pictures provided by Flickr under the creative commons license via RSS flickr.com  

Videos submitted about Nerja

A constantly updated selection of quality video clips of Nerja and the sorrounding areas.

courtesy of YouTube.com